Thursday, November 5, 2015

20-Minute Sriracha Shrimp Ramen Review.

Ramen use to be one of those things young people would eat when every penny was counted. At one time I read an article about ramen, very loosely, ramen was created so that anyone could have a meal for very cheap. For the most part, I think ramen gets a bad wrap. The ramen noodles themselves are really not that bad for you at all, it's the "flavor pack" that has a bunch of sodium and whatever else to put into it to give the noodles taste. It seems like today that ramen is getting revitalized with new recipes and very unique dishes that are just amazing. By random, we stopped at a noodle restaurant in San Diego called Underbelly where we foolishly shared a rather large bowl of ramen soup. Sharing was a bad idea for such a great soup. We loved it so much that when we got back home, we went on a search for anything that would come close - we failed here in Tampa. Well, we failed until now. This recipe comes really darn close to that amazing taste. It doesn't have those wildly unique ingredients like Underbelly's was able to provide but to be honest, if I can't find it at my local grocery store, it's not being used. This is a fantastic recipe, I've made it several times and I follow the recipe very closely. I will say, the whole 20 minute thing - I don't know man. It takes me 20 minutes just to get the veggies ready - then I can start cooking. In total, even with going through this recipe several times, it takes me a little over an hour from start to finish. Which is fine, it's totally worth it.

This recipe comes from Baker by Nature

This is what I came up with. I'm calling this a win when I compare the original pictures to what I created, which is the 3rd dinner in a row I might add. (as a reminder, I'm not a photographer) When it comes to a ramen soup, the ingredients can almost be anything. Well, I mean you need to be able to get that nice salty broth without it being too salty. What's great about this recipe is that it's a great salty taste with only a table spoon and a half of soy sauce. A lot of the salty flavor comes from the ginger and garlic. One of the next times I cook this ramen soup, I might try different meats and veggies just to give us some variety.

This time, the only change I made was to cook 2 packs of ramen instead of 3 but only because I'm cooking for 2. When I cook this for 2 people and use 3 packs, it simply makes too much noodles and they won't keep in the broth for leftovers. Tonight I have left over broth so I'm hoping I can heat the broth up tomorrow and cook a third pack of ramen in it. Never under estimate the power of cook once eat many. Tonights left overs are tomorrow's lunch.

Do yourself a favor and go through this recipe. Embrace ramen as a new source of pasta. Let your inner 20 year old who couldn't rub 2 nickels together come out and try what a ramen soup can really be like. If you've been cooking for any amount of time, chances are you have a lot of the ingredients for this soup already. That will truly turn this ramen soup into a cheap meal - who doesn't love that??

Let me know if you try this recipe (link above) and tell me if you do anything different. New cooking ideas are always welcome.

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